Maintenance Notice: Various applications including SOSDirect and SOSUpload will be unavailable Saturday, February 22, from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

HAVA and Chapter 19 Funds Travel Reimbursement Information

HAVA Grant Funds

Travel costs, including lodging and meals, can be paid from the County Education Fund in accordance with the HAVA grant award agreement between the state and the county. Please note that TEAM training travel expenses are eligible for reimbursement from the County's HAVA Education and General HAVA fund. However, HAVA Funds are not available for any Jury Wheel courses. Information regarding the election training reimbursement process is available online.

VR Chapter 19 Funds

Travel costs, including lodging and meals, may be paid from Chapter 19 Funds in accordance with the Texas Administrative Code, Title I, §81.23. Travel expenses incurred by the voter registrar and full-time permanent voter registration staffers to attend voter registration and/or election administration seminars and demonstrations that directly advance voter registration efforts. All travel (includes any travel advancement) requests must be submitted through the online VR Chapter 19 Expense system for each traveler. Please note the final accounting for any travel advancements must be submitted online after the completion of travel as Chapter 19 funds will be frozen pending the “actual” travel expenses submission. See below the Travel Guidelines:

VR Chapter 19 Funds Travel Advance Guidelines –
(In addition to what is listed below. Travel Advance is NOT applicable to HAVA funding.)

Basic Guidelines

State Rates

In-State Meals and Lodging

Refer to the GSA’s federal Domestic Maximum Per Diem Rates.

If the city is not listed, but the county is listed; use the rate of the county.

For areas not listed (city or county), the rates are:

  • Lodging In-State: up to $107
  • Meals In-State: up to $59
Out-of-State Meals and Lodging

Refer to the GSA’s federal Domestic Maximum Per Diem Rates.

For areas not listed, use the rate for the nearest city or county.
Automobile Mileage
Applicable Mileage Rates


Information/documentation to be retained for audit (Keep Your Receipts)