Trademarks & Service Marks

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination of those terms, used by a person to identify and distinguish the person's goods, including a unique product, from the goods manufactured or sold by another, and indicate the source of the goods, regardless of whether the source is unknown. Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 16.001(10).

A service mark is a word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination of those terms, used by a person to identify and distinguish the services of one person, including a unique service, from the services of another, and indicate the source of the services, regardless of whether the source is unknown. The term also includes the titles, character names used by a person, and other distinctive features of radio or television programs, regardless of whether the titles, character names, or programs advertise the sponsor's goods. Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 16.001(8).

The word “mark” is often used generally to refer to both trade and service marks.

State Registration

Marks used in connection with the sale of goods or provision of services in Texas may be registered with us pursuant to:

What's New in Our Trademarks Online System:

  • Apply to register a Trademark or Service Mark
  • Renew marks for another 5-year term
  • Assign or transfer ownership of a mark
  • Search for registered Trademarks under the Search & Order Records tool
  • Additional user roles are now available so you can authorize other users to view or manage your registered trademarks
  • Apply to register multiple marks at one time

Federal Registration

Marks used in interstate commerce may also be registered under federal law. Information on registering a federal mark may be obtained from the Trademark Section of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Patents & Copyrights

We register state trade and service marks, but do not grant patents or register copyrights.