3rd Millennium Group – San Antonio, TX

Texas Businesses Against Trafficking (TBAT) logo                 

TBAT Resources

3rd Millenium Group logo

What is one thing you can share that surprised you when learning more about human trafficking, its impact on the business community, and its impact in general?

“As we learned more about human trafficking, we were shocked to learn the number of trafficked individuals present in America. It’s easy to think about trafficking only happening somewhere else in the world, but we learned that trafficking is happening the biggest of cities and smallest of towns across America. We were also appalled to learn how many victims go unnoticed and unrescued right before our very eyes.”

What inspired your business to join the Texas Secretary of State’s business partnership to prevent human trafficking?

“As we learned more about human trafficking, we realized that people in all walks of life have the opportunity to identify and report victims. It’s such an important thing to do and can make all the difference for a trafficked individual. It prompted us to develop our Red Flags course, which trains individuals how to do that. After developing our course, we joined Texas Businesses Against Trafficking because we realized the influence businesses could have. By having employees trained in human trafficking identification and reporting, they can impact not only the lives of their employees, but the businesses they partner with, and of course, trafficked individuals.”

Why would you encourage other Texas businesses to join the partnership?

“As businesses leaders, we have a unique opportunity to do something about human trafficking. By being mindful and aware of human trafficking, we can eliminate products or services in our company that are produced with forced labor. We can train our employees to identify and speak out against trafficking. We can let companies we work with know about our zero-tolerance policy for slavery and encourage them do the same. We can work with causes that rescue victims and provide life after exploitation. By joining Texas Businesses Against Trafficking, we can present a united front against human trafficking and fight together to end modern-day slavery, impacting the lives of thousands.”

View a sample of 3rd Millennium’s Red Flags course here.