Local Election to fill a Vacancy – Running for an Unexpired Term

Candidates seeking to have their name placed on the ballot in a local election for an unexpired term must file a candidate application. Some political subdivisions may also require a filing fee and/or a petition in lieu of a filing fee to be filed along with the candidate application. Please note, the filing fee or petition in lieu of a filling fee (if applicable) must be filed with the application at the same time with the proper filing authority.

For questions about whether the political subdivision ordered an election to fill a vacancy as part of a general election or as a separate special election, please contact the political subdivision.
All references made below are to the appropriate sections of the Texas Election Code, unless otherwise noted.

See our FAQs on Candidacy for answers to frequently asked questions.

Public Office Sought

Filing Authority

Source Law

Municipal/City Elections

City Secretary1

Elec. Code
§ 143.006

School Board

Secretary of the Board; or other person designated by the Board

Elec. Code
§ 144.004

Water District

Secretary of the Board; or agent appointed by the Board

Elec. Code
§ 144.004

Hospital District

Secretary of the Board; or presiding officer if there is no secretary

Elec. Code
§ 144.004

Junior College District

Secretary of the Board; or other person designated by the Board

Educ. Code
§ 130.082(g)

Library District

Secretary of the Board; or presiding officer if there is no secretary

Elec. Code
§ 144.004

Emergency Service District
(Counties under Section 775.0345)

Initial Election: County voter registrar

Health & Safety Code § 775.0345(e)

After that: Secretary of the Board; or other person designated by the Board

Health & Safety Code § 775.0345

Emergency Service District
(More than One County)

Initial Election: County clerk of each county

Health & Safety Code § 775.035(d)

After that: Secretary of the Board; or other person designated by the Board

Health & Safety Code § 775.035

  1. Home-rule city charters may designate another person as the filing authority. (Sec. 143.006(b), Elec. Code).