Election Advisory No. 2024-37

May 3, 2025 Election Law Calendar (Condensed)

Date Description Computation Applicable Forms
& Instructions
Legal Authority (TEX. ELEC. CODE Unless
Otherwise Specified)
Monday, December 16, 2024 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR CANDIDATE APPLICATION: Post Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on the Ballot (PDF) in a building in which the authority maintains an office.

NOTE FOR WATER DISTRICTS: The notice must be posted at the district’s administrative office or at the public place established by the district under Section 49.063 of the Water Code. (Sec. 49.113,Water Code).

30th day before the first day to file an application for a place on the ballot Candidate’s Guide for LocalPolitical Subdivisions

Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on the Ballot (PDF)

Water Code

Education Code

Government Code

Wednesday, January 1, 2025 NOTICE FOR ABBMs: First day for voters to submit an ABBM, an Annual ABBM, or a Federal Postcard Application (FPCA).   ABBM §84.001(e)
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 FIRST DAY: First day to file application for a place on the ballot or a declaration of write-in candidacy. 30th day before Friday,February 14, 2025,regular filing deadline for a place on the ballot Application for Place on City, School, Other Political Subdivision Ballot (PDF) Election Code

Education Code
Monday, January 20, 2025 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day      
Friday, January 31, 2025 RECOMMENDATION FOR CONDUCTING ELECTIONS: Recommended date that county election officials and local political subdivisions meet to discuss conducting elections at the same polling locations pursuant to Section 42.002, as well as any applicable joint election issues needed to be agreed upon. Last weekday before February   §42.002
Monday, February 3, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day for eligible political subdivisions to submit Notice of Exemption Under Section 61.013 (PDF) or an Application of Undue Burden Status (PDF) to the Secretary of State for exemption from the accessible voting system requirement. 89th day before election day, extended from 90th day, Sunday, February 2, 2025 Notice of Exemption Under Section 61.013 (PDF)

Application of Undue Burden Status (PDF)

Tex. Sec'y of State Election Advisory No. 2024-13: Exemptions to Voting System Accessibility Requirements
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 DEATH OF CANDIDATE: If a candidate dies on or before this date, his or her name is not placed on the ballot, if the filing deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025.

NOTE - Section 145.098 states if a candidate dies on or before the deadline for filing an application for a place on the ballot, the authority responsible for preparing the ballots MAY choose to omit the candidate. If the authority does choose to omit the candidate, the deadline for filing an application for a place on the ballot is extended to the fifth day after the filing deadline, Wednesday, February 19, 2025. This extended deadline only applies to the regular filing deadline. It DOES NOT apply to the write-in deadline.
81st day before election day; 3rd day before filing deadline   §145.094(a)(1)
Friday, February 14, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR CANDIDATE AT 5:00 PM: Last day for a candidate in a political subdivision (other than a county) to file an application for a place on the ballot for general election for officers for most political subdivisions, except as otherwise provided by the Texas Election Code.

NOTE FOR HOME-RULE CITY’S CHARTER: A home-rule city’s charter may NOT provide an alternate candidate filing deadline.

NOTE FOR CITY OFFICES WITH FOUR-YEAR TERMS: If no candidate has filed for a city office with a four-year term, the filing deadline is extended to 5:00 PM on Friday, March 7, 2025.

DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OTHER THAN COUNTIES (GENERAL ELECTION): Deadline for political subdivisions to order a general election to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025, unless otherwise provided by the Election Code.

DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OTHER THAN COUNTIES (SPECIAL ELECTION): Deadline to order a special election on a measure to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025.

DEADLINE FOR COUNTIES: Deadline for counties to order a special election on a measure to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
78th day before election day Candidacy Filing outline

Order of Election for Municipalities (PDF)

Order of Election for Other Political Subdivisions (Including Schools) (PDF)

Order of Special Election for County-Ordered Measure Elections (PDF)

Notice of Appointment (PDF)

Writ of Election (PDF)
Election Code

Subchapter C, Chapter 32
Subchapter A, Chapter 51

Education Code

Health Safety Code
Chapter 286

Monday, February 17, 2025 Presidents’ Day      
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR WRITE-IN CANDIDATES AT 5:00 PM: Deadline for write-in candidates to file Declarations of Write-In Candidacy (PDF) for regular officers for city, school district, library district, junior college district, hospital district, common school districts, Chapter 36 and 49 Water Code districts, and other political subdivision elections, unless otherwise provided by law. 74th day before election day Declarations of Write-In Candidacy (PDF) Election Code

Education Code

Local Government Code

Health and Safety Code

Water Code
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 DEATH OF CANDIDATE: If a candidate dies on or before the deadline for filing an application for a place on the ballot, the authority responsible for preparing the ballots MAY choose to omit the candidate’s name. If the authority does choose to omit the candidate’s name, the deadline for filing an application for a place on the ballot is extended to the fifth day after the filing deadline, February 19, 2025. This extended deadline only applies to the regular filing deadline. It DOES NOT apply to the write-in deadline. 73rd day before election day; 5th day after regular filing deadline   §145.098
Thursday, February 20, 2025 NOTICE OF BALLOT DRAWING: First day to post Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot (PDF) if drawing is to be conducted on Monday, February 24, 2025. This notice must be posted for 72 hours immediately preceding the time of the drawing.

The authority conducting the ballot position drawing shall provide notice of the date, hour, and place of the drawing to candidates by this date if the drawing is to be conducted on Monday, February 24, 2025, as recommended. If a candidate in a special election files on this date, they should be given a copy of the notice at the time they file.
72nd day before election day Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot (PDF) §52.094
Friday, February 21, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR FILING AUTHORITIES AT 5:00 PM: Last day for a candidate to withdraw, by submission of a notarized Certificate of Withdrawal (PDF) or a notarized letter. If a candidate withdraws or is declared ineligible by this date, his or her name is omitted from the ballot.

Last day to withdraw as a write-in candidate in the general election ordered by a political subdivision other than a county.

FIRST DAY: First day that a general or special election must be cancelled if all filing deadlines have passed, each candidate for an office listed on the ballot is unopposed, and write-in votes may be counted only for names appearing on a list of write-in candidates.
  • This recommended cancellation deadline presumes a filing deadline of Friday, February 14, 2025 and a write-in deadline of Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Special elections may have different deadlines, and may be cancelled separately.
71st day before election day Certificate of Withdrawal (PDF)

Certification of Unopposed Candidates for Other Political Subdivisions (PDF)

Sample Order of Cancellation (PDF)

Cancellation of Election for Local Political Subdivisions.

Cancellation of Election for Local Political Subdivisions (Not County)
§145.096(a)(4) §146.0301
Saturday, February 22, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR SPECIAL ELECTIONS: Last day to order a special election to fill a vacancy (if authorized to fill vacancies by special election) and have the filing deadline be the 62nd day before election day.

NOTE FOR SPECIAL ELECTIONS: Section 201.054 provides that if the special election to fill a vacancy is ordered (1) on or before the 70th day before election day, the candidate application must be filed by 5:00 PM on the 62nd day before election day, OR (2) after the 70th day but on or before the 46th day before election day, the candidate application must be filed by 5:00 PM on the 40th day before election day. This is the first of the two possible ordering times. We do not interpret the 70th day order date here as “moving” to the next business day because the date falls on a Saturday, as this is not the last day to order a special election to fill a vacancy for this uniform election date. If a candidate in a special election files on this date, they should be given a copy of the notice at the time they file.
70th day before election day Order of Special Election for Municipalities (PDF)

Order of Special Election for Other Political Subdivisions (PDF)

Monday, February 24, 2025 RECOMMENDATION: Recommended date to conduct ballot position drawing. You should also certify today to the county election officer the offices, propositions (in all necessary languages), and candidates’ names (including the order) as they are to appear on the ballot, if you are contracting to have the county conduct your election or if you are conducting a joint election with the county. 68th day before election day   §52.094
Sunday, March 2, 2025 Texas Independence Day      
Monday, March 3, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OTHER THAN COUNTIES AT 5:00 PM - Last day to file an application for a place on the ballot in a special election (PDF) to fill a vacancy, if the special election is ordered on or before the 70th day before election day, Saturday, February 22, 2025.

NOTICE DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OTHER THAN COUNTIES AT 5:00 PM - Deadline for write-in candidates to file Declarations of Write-In Candidacy (PDF) for officers for city, school district, library district, junior college district, hospital district, and common school districts in a special election to fill a vacancy if the special election is ordered on or before the 70th day before election day, Saturday, February 22, 2025.

NOTE FOR WRITE-IN CANDIDACY: A declaration of write-in candidacy for a special election must be filed not later than the regular filing deadline to apply for a place on the ballot. The deadline to file an application for a place on the ballot in a special election to fill a vacancy, if the special election is ordered on or before the 70th day before election day, Saturday, February 22, 2025, is Monday, March 3, 2025.
61st day before election day, extended from 62nd day, Sunday, March 2, 2025, Sec. 1.006 Application For A Place On The Ballot In A Special Election

Declarations of Write-In Candidacy (PDF)

Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot).
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OTHER THAN COUNTIES: Last day for the governing body of a political subdivision to deliver notice of the election to the county clerk/elections administrator and voter registrar of each county in which the political subdivision is wholly or partly located.

NOTE FOR COUNTIES: Section 4.003 requires that counties post on the county website the notice and list of polling locations of any political subdivision that delivers their notice to the county under Section 4.008. This is regardless of whether the county is contracting with the entity.

RECOMENDATION: Recommended date for county clerk/county elections administrator to deliver an initial list of voters who have submitted annual applications for ballot by mail under Section 86.0015 and scans or photocopies of those applications to the early voting clerk of any political subdivision located within the county that is holding an election on May 3, 2025.
60th day before election day   §4.003
Thursday, March 6, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR COUNTIES: Last day to notify election judges of their appointment if they were appointed, as recommended, by Friday, February 14, 2025. (Sec. 32.009(b)). Presiding judges and their alternates must be notified (PDF) of their appointment in writing, not later than the 20th day after the date the appointment is made. If the appointment is for a single election, the notice may be combined with the Writ of Election (PDF), which is required to be delivered to each presiding judge not later than the 15th day before the election, Friday, April 18, 2025. If the notices are combined, both must be delivered by the date required by the earlier notice. 58th day before election day, 20th day after February 14, 2025 Election judge appointment in writing

Writ of Election (PDF)
Friday, March 7, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS AT 5:00 PM: Last day for a candidate to file Certificate of Withdrawal (PDF) in a special election, in which the filing deadline is the 62nd day before election day. If a candidate withdraws or is declared ineligible by this date, his or her name is omitted from the ballot.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR CITY OFFICES WITH FOUR-YEAR TERMS AT 5:00 PM: Extended filing deadline in cities with four-year terms of office, when no candidate files for a particular office by the regular filing deadline of Friday, February 14, 2025.
57th day before election day Certificate of Withdrawal (PDF) §145.092(b) and (e)
Sunday, March 9, 2025 Daylight Saving Time      
Friday, March 14, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Deadline to challenge the filing of an application for a place on the ballot as to form, content, and procedure.

NOTE FOR CANDIDATE APPLICATION: Section 141.034 of the Code provides that a candidate application cannot be challenged for “Form, Content, and Procedure” defects after the 50th day before the date of the election for which the application is made.
50th day before election day   §141.034
Friday, March 14, 2025 -
Thursday, June 12, 2025
NOTE FOR MANDATORY OFFICE HOURS: Each county clerk, city secretary, or secretary of a governing body (or the person performing duties of a secretary) must keep the office open for election duties for at least 3 hours each day, during regular office hours, on regular business days.

CONTINUED NOTE FOR COUNTIES: This office hour rule applies to special elections ordered by the county.

: In the case of a special election, the office hour rule is triggered starting the third day after the special election is ordered.

CONTINUED  NOTE  FOR  INDEPENDENT  SCHOOL  DISTRICTS: A “regular business day” means a day on which the school district’s main business office is regularly open for business.
50th day before election day – 40th day after election day   §31.122
Sunday, March 16, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR COUNTIES: Last day to publish notice (PDF) for testing of automatic tabulation equipment testing and logic and accuracy testing (L&A testing) of a voting system that uses direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines and precinct scanners if test will be completed by recommended deadline of Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Notice of the public tests must be published at least 48 hours before the test begins. 48th day before election day Notice for testing of automatic tabulation equipment (PDF) §127.093
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to order a special election to fill a vacancy (if authorized to fill vacancies by special election). If the election was ordered after the 70th day before election day, the filing deadline will be the 40th day before election day. The Election Code requires the election to be ordered as soon as practicable after the vacancy occurs.

RECOMMENDATION: Recommended date to conduct the first test of the automatic tabulating equipment and for logic and accuracy (L&A test) test on precinct scanners and DREs. The SOS recommends you complete your first round of testing prior to mailing your mail ballots if those ballots will be counted using automatic tabulation equipment. If you conduct your first round of testing by this date, you must publish notice of the test 48 hours prior to testing.
46th day before election day Order of Special Election for Municipalities (PDF)

Order of Special Election for Other Political Subdivisions (PDF)
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR COUNTIES: Deadline to mail (or email, if requested) ballots to military or overseas voters who already submitted their ballot requests via a federal postcard application (FPCA) or via a standard application for ballot by mail (ABBM) and indicated that they are outside the United States. If the early voting clerk cannot meet this 45th-day deadline, the clerk must notify the Secretary of State within 24 hours.

Reminder Regarding FPCAs and Overseas ABBMs: If the early voting clerk receives an FPCA (from a military or non-military voter) or an ABBM from an overseas voter after the 45th day deadline, then the ballot must be mailed (or emailed, if requested) within seven days after the early voting clerk receives the FPCA or ABBM.

Reminder: In regards to mail ballots for other voters (not military voters using an FPCA or overseas voters using an FPCA or ABBM), the early voting clerk must mail a ballot not later than the 7th day after the later of: (1) the date the early voting clerk has accepted a voter’s application for a ballot by mail or (2) the date the ballots become available for mailing. However, if the 7th day falls earlier than the 37th day before election day, the voter’s mail ballot must be mailed no later than the 30th day before election day. This means that for every application that is accepted by the early voting clerk before the 37th day before election day, the balloting materials must be mailed by the 30th day before election day. Any application that comes in after the 37th day before election day will follow the 7-day timeline in Sec. 86.004.

NOTE FOR THE JACKET ENVELOPES: Section 87.0222 of the Code provides that not later than the ninth day before election day, thejacket envelopes containing early voting ballots voted by mail MUST be delivered to the early voting ballot board. This requirement applies regardless of the county’s population size.

: Section 87.0411 of the Code provides that not later than the second day after the early voting ballot board discovers a defect(s) in a carrier envelope as described by Section 87.0411(a) of the Code and before the board decides whether to accept or reject a timely delivered ballot under Section 87.041, the board must send the voter a notice of the defect and a corrective action form developed under Section 87.0411(c-1) by mail or by common or contract carrier.
45th day before election day Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2024-20: Early Voting Roster

Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2023-13: Corrective Action Process for Defects on Application for a Ballot by Mail and Carrier
Monday, March 24, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS AT 5:00 PM: Last day to file for a place on the ballot in a special election to fill a vacancy, if the special election is ordered after the 70th day before election day, but on or before the 46th day before election day, Tuesday, March 18, 2025.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS AT 5:00 PM: Deadline for write-in candidates to file Declarations of Write-In Candidacy (PDF) for officers for city, school district, library district, junior college district, hospital district, and common school districts in a special election to fill a vacancy if the special election is ordered after the 70th day before election day, but on or before the 46th day before election day, Tuesday, March 18, 2025.

NOTE FOR WRITE-IN CANDIDACY: Section 201.054(g) provides that a declaration of write-in candidacy for a special election must be filed not later than the filing deadline.
40th day before election day Declarations of Write-In Candidacy (PDF) §201.054(a)(1)
Saturday, March 29, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OTHER THAN COUNTIES AT 5:00 PM: Last day for a candidate to file a Certificate of Withdrawal (PDF) in a special election in which the filing deadline is the 40th day before election day. If a candidate withdraws or is declared ineligible by this date, his or her name is omitted from the ballot. This deadline does not extend to the next business day under 35th day before election day Certificate of Withdrawal (PDF) §1.006
Monday, March 31, 2025 Cesar Chavez Day      
Thursday, April 3, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTERS: Last day to register to vote or make a change of address effective for the May 3, 2025 election.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR EARLY VOTING CLERK: Deadline for early voting clerk to mail a ballot by mail to a voter if the voter's Application for Ballot by Mail (ABBM) was accepted by the early voting clerk on or before Thursday, March 27, 2025.

NOTE FOR EARLY VOTING CLERK: In regards to mail ballots for other voters (not military voters using an FPCA or overseas voters using an FPCA or ABBM), the early voting clerk must mail a ballot not later than the 7th day after the later of: (1) the date the early voting clerk has accepted a voter’s application for a ballot by mail or (2) the date the ballots become available for mailing. However, if the 7th day falls earlier than the 37th day before election day, the voter’s mail ballot must be mailed no later than the 30th day before election day. This means that for every application that is accepted by the early voting clerk before the 37th day before election day, the balloting materials must be mailed by the 30th day before election day. Any application that comes in after the 37th day before election day will follow the 7-day timeline in Sec. 86.004.

FIRST DAY: First day of period during which notices of election must be published in a newspaper of general circulation if method of giving notice is not specified by a law outside the Texas Election Code, and this method of giving notice is selected. The notice for elections ordered by the governor, by a county authority, or by an authority of a city or school district must be given by publication in a newspaper in addition to any other method specified by a law outside the Election Code.

RECOMMENDATION: Recommended date for early voting clerk to issue order calling for appointment of signature verification committee if one has been appointed. (Sec. 87.027). This form may be used to issue order: Order Calling for Signature Verification Committee (PDF). If the signature verification committee will start meeting on Sunday, April 13, 2025, the early voting clerk must post a copy of the order calling for appointment of the signature verification committee on or before this date, in order to give notice of the meeting. The order must remain posted continuously for at least 10 days before the first day the committee meets.

STRONG RECOMMENDATION FOR CITIES, SCHOOLS, AND OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: It  is strongly  recommended that the Notice of Voting Order Priority (PDF) for voters with mobility issues also be posted on the subdivision’s website, if one is maintained by the political subdivision.

RECOMMENDATION FOR COUNTIES: Recommended time to include this notice on a county website is when the notice of election is also posted on the website. This notice is required to go on the county’s
30th day before election day Voter Registration and Ballot Request form (PDF)

Order Calling for Signature Verification Committee (PDF)

Notice of Voting Order Priority (PDF)
§4.003(a)(1), (c), and (d)
Friday, April 4, 2025 RECOMMENDATION: Recommended last day for early voting clerk to coordinate with the voter registrar receipt of supplemental and registration correction lists, if applicable, or coordinate receipt of revised original list from the voter registrar for early voting by personal appearance. 29th day before election day   §18.001
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 RECOMMENDATION: Recommended last date for the governing body of political subdivision, as appropriate to appoint a signature verification committee (if one was ordered by the early voting clerk on Thursday, April 3, 2025). The members must be appointed not later than the fifth day after the order was issued by the early voting clerk. The appointing authority must post a notice of the appointment of committee members continuously until the last day the signature verification committee meets. 25th day before election day Notice of Appointment of Signature Verification Committee (PDF)

Handbook for Signature Verification Committee
Saturday, April 12, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to post notice of election on bulletin board used for posting notices of meetings of governing body. A Record of Posting Notice of Election (PDF) should be completed at the time of posting.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to post notice of election in each election precinct, if the method of giving notice is not specified by a law outside the Election Code and notice is given by this method in lieu of publication.

RECOMMENDATION: The recommended time to include the notice of accepting voters with certain disabilities on a county website is when the notice of election is also posted on the website.

DISTRICTS: Last day for a county that holds an election or provides election services for an election to post certain information regarding the upcoming election(s) on the county’s website per Section 4.009. A city or independent school district that holds an election and maintains an Internet website must also post this same election information on their website even if the county is also posting this data.
21st day before election day Record of Posting Notice of Election (PDF) §1.006
Sunday, April 13, 2025 SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE: First day that the signature verification committee may begin operating, if one is created.

Signature Verification Committee (if appointed) Actions for a Defective Carrier Envelope: Section 87.0271 of the Code provides that not later than the second day after the signature verification committee discovers a defect(s) in a carrier envelope as described by Section 87.0271(a) of the Code and before the committee decides whether to accept or reject a timely delivered ballot under Section 87.027, the committee must send the voter a notice of the defect and a corrective action form developed under Section 87.0271(c-1) by mail or by common or contract carrier.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to publish notice (PDF) of L&A test for DRE voting machines or precinct scanners if test will be held on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, if testing has not already been completed by Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Notice of the public L&A Test must be published at least 48 hours before the test begins.
20th day before election day Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2023-13 : Corrective Action Process for Defects on Application fo a Ballot by Mail and Carrier Envelope

Public Notice of Testing of Automatic Tabulating Equipment (PDF)
Monday, April 14, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR PERSON NOT PERMANENTLY REGISTERED TO VOTE: Deadline for a person who is not permanently registered to vote to submit a postmarked FPCA, in order to receive a ballot for any non-federal election held on May 3, 2025. A person who is not permanently registered to vote and submits a postmarked FPCA after this date (20th day) and before the deadline to submit an application for ballot by mail is not entitled to receive a ballot for any non-federal election. 19th day before election day, extended from 20th day, Sunday, April 13, 2025   §101.052(e)
Monday, April 14, 2025

Tuesday, April 22, 2025
NOTE FOR PERSON NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE: A person submitting an FPCA (PDF) during this period who is not registered to vote is not entitled to receive a ballot for any non-federal election held on Saturday, May 3, 2025. This means that a person submitting an FPCA during this period is entitled to receive a federal ballot only, if not already a permanent registered voter. In a local election (where there is no federal office on the ballot), this means there is no ballot to send the voter. 19th day before election day – 11th day before election day FPCA/Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request (PDF) §101.052(f)
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to conduct public L&A test of a voting system that uses DRE voting machines or precinct scanners.

STRONG RECOMMENDATION: We highly recommend that the test above is done on an earlier date to allow time for corrections to programming, if necessary. Per Section 129.023, the L&A test shall be conducted not later than 48 hours before voting begins on such voting systems, assuming that the voting system will first be used for early voting in person.
18th day before election day Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2019-23: Electronic Voting System Procedures Advisory

Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2022-30: Hash Validation Procedures for Logic and Accuracy Testing
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to publish notice of L&A test for voting systems or precinct scanners if test will be held on Friday, April 18, 2025, if testing was not already completed by March 18, 2025. Notice of the public L&A Test must be published at least 48 hours before the test begins.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to post notice (PDF) of places, days, and hours for voting at branch early voting polling place if voting is to begin at that location on the first day of early voting in person. The schedule may be amended after the beginning of early voting by personal appearance to include notice of additional branch locations, but any amendment must be made and posted not later than the fifth day before voting begins at the additional temporary branch.
17th day before election day Notice of Early Voting at Branch Polling Places (PDF) §85.062
§85.067(c) and (d)
Friday, April 18, 2025 Good Friday

NOTE FOR OFFICE HOURS: Note that the office hour requirement of Section 31.122 applies to Good Friday.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR EARLY VOTING CLERK: Deadline to receive an FPCA without a postmark. If an FPCA is received by this date without a postmark to prove mailing date, the early voting clerk will accept the FPCA and mail the applicant a full ballot even if the applicant is not a permanently registered voter but meets the requirements under Title 2 of the Election Code (unless the voter marks the FPCA form indicating “my intent to return is uncertain” , or “my return is uncertain”, in which case the voter receives a federal-only ballot).

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to conduct public L&A test of a voting system or precinct scanner.

STRONG RECOMMENDATION: We highly recommend that this test is done on an earlier date to allow time for corrections to programming, if necessary. Per Section 129.023, the L&A test shall be conducted not later than 48 hours before voting begins on such voting systems, assuming that the voting system will first be used for early voting in person.

Last day to notify election judges of duty to hold election (Writ of Election (PDF)). Notice must be given by the 15th day before the election or the 7th day after the day the election is ordered, whichever is later.
15th day before election day Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request (PDF)

Writ of Election (PDF)
Sunday, April 20, 2025 Easter Day      
Monday, April 21, 2025 San Jacinto Day NOTE FOR EARLY VOTING: Because Monday, April 21, 2025 is San Jacinto Day, which is a legal holiday, early voting will not be conducted on this date.

DATE: A voter who becomes sick or disabled on or after Monday, April 21, 2025 may submit an application for a late ballot if the sickness or physical condition prevents the voter from appearing at the polling place without the likelihood of needing personal assistance or of injuring his or her health. An application may be submitted after the last day of the period for early voting by personal appearance and before 5:00 PM on election day.
12th day before election day; day before the last day to apply for a ballot by mail Application for Emergency Early Voting Ballot Due to Sickness or Physical Disability (PDF) §1.006
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 EARLY VOTING IN PERSON: First day to vote early in person.

NOTE FOR EARLY VOTING PERIOD: The early voting period for the May uniform election begins 12 days prior to election day, but because the first day of the early voting period falls on a legal holiday (Monday, April 21, 2025), it is extended to the next regular business day, Tuesday, April 22, 2025.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR REGISTERED VOTER: Last day to receive an FPCA (PDF) from a registered voter. If the voter is not registered in the county (and/or marked intent to return “not certain”), the voter is still eligible for a ballot containing federal offices only. In a local (non-federal) election, this means there is no ballot to send the voter.

voting clerk to receive applications for a ballot to be voted by mail. All applications to vote by mail must be received by the early voting clerk before the close of regular business or 12 noon, whichever is later.

If an ABBM is faxed or emailed or if an FPCA is faxed, then the applicant must submit the ORIGINAL application BY MAIL to the early voting clerk so that the early voting clerk receives the original no later than the 4th business day after receiving the emailed or faxed ABBM or faxed FPCA. If the early voting clerk does not receive the original ABBM or FPCA by that deadline, then the emailed or faxed ABBM or faxed FPCA will be considered incomplete, and the early voting clerk may NOT send the applicant a ballot. The requirement to mail the original application does not apply to an emailed FPCA.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR COUNTIES: Last day for county clerk/elections administrator to deliver final list of voters that have submitted an annual application for ballot by mail to political
subdivisions located within the county holding an election on May 3, 2025, for which the county clerk/elections administrator is not the early voting clerk via a joint election agreement or contract for election services.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR COUNTIES: Deadline to file a petition to require the early voting clerk to conduct extended early voting on Saturday, April 26, 2025.

NOTE FOR WEEKEND VOTING: The Weekend Voting form must be posted beginning no later than Wednesday, April 23, 2025, and continuing through Friday, April 25, 2025.
11th day before election day FPCA (PDF)

Request for Additional Early Voting on Saturday or Sunday for County or City Elections (PDF) 

Request for Additional Early Voting on Saturday or Sunday for Other Political Subdivision Elections (PDF)

Notice of weekend voting (PDF)
§85.001(c) and (e)
§101.052(b) and (f)
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day of period during which notice of election must be published if method of giving notice is not specified by a law outside the Election Code and publication is the selected method of giving notice. The notice of election ordered by a county authority or by an authority of a city or school district must be given by publication in a newspaper, in addition to any other method specified.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to mail a copy of the notice of election to each registered voter of the territory that is covered by the election and is in the jurisdiction of the authority responsible for giving notice if method of giving notice is not specified by a law outside the Election Code and this method of giving notice is selected.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR COUNTIES: Deadline to file a petition to require the early voting clerk to conduct extended early voting on Sunday, April 27, 2025.
10th day before election day Request for Additional Early Voting on Saturday or Sunday for County or City Elections (PDF),

Request for Additional Early Voting on Saturday or Sunday for Other Political Subdivision Elections (PDF)
Thursday, April 24, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Section 87.0222 of the Code provides that not later than the ninth day before election day, the jacket envelopes containing early voting ballots voted by mail MUST be delivered to the early voting ballot board. This requirement applies regardless of the county’s population size.

NOTE FOR EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD: The early voting ballot board has to meet by this deadline, regardless of whether carrier envelopes have been received by this date.

Early Voting Ballot Board Actions for a Defective Carrier Envelope: Section 87.0411 of the Code provides that not later than the second day after the early voting ballot board discovers a defect(s) in a carrier envelope as described by Section 87.0411(a) of the Code and before the board decides whether to accept or reject a timely delivered ballot under Section 87.041, the board must send the voter a notice of the defect and a corrective action form developed under Section 87.0411(c-1) by mail or by common or contract carrier.
9th day before election day   §87.0222
Monday, April 28, 2025 FIRST DAY: A voter is eligible to vote a late ballot if they will be out of the county of residence on election day due to a death in the immediate family (related within 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity) that occurs on or after this day. The voter may submit the Application for Emergency Early Ballot Due to Death in Family (PDF) starting Wednesday, April 30, 2025 (the day after early voting in person ends). An application may be submitted after the last day of the period for early voting by personal appearance and before the close of business on the day before election day.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR EARLY VOTING CLERK: Deadline for the early voting clerk to receive, by mail, the original of an ABBM that was faxed or emailed or an FPCA that was faxed on the deadline to apply for a ballot by mail, Tuesday, April 22, 2025.

A voter who faxed or emailed their ABBM or faxed their FPCA must mail the original to the early voting clerk so that the early voting clerk receives the original no later than the 4th business day after receiving the emailed or faxed ABBM or faxed FPCA. NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to publish notice of public test of automatic tabulating equipment, if test will be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2025, and testing was not already completed. The public notice of the test of automatic tabulating equipment must be published at least 48 hours before the test begins.
5th day before election day, day before last day of early voting, 4th business day after the deadline to apply for a ballot by mail Application for Emergency Early Ballot Due to Death in Family (PDF) §103.001
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 EARLY VOTING IN PERSON: Last day to vote early by personal appearance.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Deadline to submit a Request for Election Inspectors (PDF) for election day, Saturday, May 3, 2025 to the Secretary of State.

NOTE FOR EARLY VOTING CLERK: Early voting clerk must post Notice of Delivery of Early Voting Balloting Materials (PDF) to the early voting ballot board if materials are to be delivered to the board on Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Notice must be posted continuously for 24 hours preceding each delivery to the board.

The Notice of Delivery of Early Voting Balloting Materials serves as notice of the convening of the early voting ballot board. Your entity should also post notice every time the early voting ballot board reconvenes.

NOTE FOR COUNTIES THAT HAVE A POPULATION OF 100,000 OR MORE OR LOCAL POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS CONDUCTING A JOINT ELECTION OR CONTRACTING WITH SUCH A COUNTY: After the polls close at the end of early voting by personal appearance, counties with a population of 100,000 or more (or local subdivisions conducting a joint election with such a county or conducting an election through a contract for election services with such a county) may  convene  their  early  voting  ballot  board  and begin counting ballots; however, the results may not be announced until after the polls close.

NOTE FOR COUNTIES THAT HAVE A POPULATION OF LESS THAN 100,000 OR LOCAL POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS CONDUCTING A JOINT ELECTION OR CONTRACTING WITH SUCH A COUNTY: Counties may begin convening their early voting ballot board as the county has received voted ballots by mail from voters and those materials are delivered to the ballot board, but cannot begin counting the ballots until the polls open on election day. The early voting clerk shall continuously post notice for 24 hours preceding each delivery of voting materials that is to be made before the time for opening the polls on election day.

NOTE FOR EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD ACTIONS FOR A DEFECTIVE  CARRIER  ENVELOPE: Section  87.0411  of  the  Code provides that not later than the second day after the early voting ballot board discovers a defect(s) in a carrier envelope as described by Section 87.0411(a) of the Code and before the board decides whether to accept or reject a timely delivered ballot under Section 87.041, the board must send the voter a notice of the defect and a corrective action form developed under Section 87.0411(c-1) by mail or by common or contract carrier.
4th day before election day Request for Election Inspectors (PDF)

Notice of Delivery of Early Voting Balloting Materials (PDF)

Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2023-13: Exemptions to Voting System Accessibility Requirements

Notice of Delivery of Early Voting Balloting Materials
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 FIRST DAY: First day to submit an Application for Emergency Early Ballot Due to Death in Family (PDF) to vote a late ballot because of a death in the immediate family that occurred on or after April 28, 2025, and will require absence from the county on election day.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to conduct public test of automatic tabulation equipment. Per Section 127.093, the test shall be conducted at least 48 hours before the automatic tabulating equipment is used to count ballots voted in an election and was not previously tested.

STRONG RECOMMENDATION: We highly recommend that this test is done on an earlier date to allow time for corrections to programming, if necessary.
3rd day before election day; day after early voting in person ends Application for Emergency Early Ballot Due to Death in Family (PDF) §103.001
Friday, May 2, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to submit an Application for Emergency Early Ballot Due to Death in Family (PDF). The application must be submitted by the close of business on this day.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR EARLY VOTING CLERKS: Last day for early voting clerk to mark the precinct list of registered voters with a notation beside each name of voter who voted early, and deliver list to election judges. The early voting clerk must also deliver the precinct early voting list. This may be delivered electronically if your county is using an e-pollbook.

Delivery of Provisional Ballots and Forms: If the voter registrar wants to take possession of the provisional ballots and forms on election night, the voter registrar must inform the custodian of the election records and post a Notice of Election Night Transfer (PDF) no later than Friday, May 2, 2025, 24 hours before election day. However, under this type of delivery, the county voter registrar must go to the office of the custodian of election records and pick up the provisional ballots and forms.

NOTE  FOR  GENERAL  CUSTODIAN  OF  RECORDS: The  general custodian of election records (or the early voting clerk, if applicable) must also post a Notice of Delivery of Provisional Ballots (PDF) at least 24 hours before delivery will occur.
Day before election day Application for Emergency Early Ballot Due to Death in Family (PDF)

Notice of Election Night Transfer (PDF)

Notice of Delivery of Provisional Ballots (PDF)
1 T.A.C. §81.174(d)(3)
1 T.A.C. §81.174(b)(1)
Saturday, May 3, 2025 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
- Polls open
- Voter registrar’s office is open.
- Early voting clerk’s office is open for early voting activities.

5:00 PM
Deadline for receiving Application for Emergency Early Voting Ballot Due to Sickness or Physical Disability (PDF) for late ballots to be voted by persons who became sick or disabled on or after Monday, April 21, 2025.

7:00 PM
- Regular deadline for receiving early voting ballots by mail.

- This is also the deadline for receiving late ballots cast by voters who became sick or disabled on or after Monday, April 21, 2025.

The presiding judge of the central counting station must provide and attest to a written reconciliation (PDF) of votes and voters at the close of tabulation for election day and again after the central counting station meets for the last time to process late-arriving ballots by mail and provisional ballots.

NOTE FOR RECEIPT OF MAIL BALLOTS: All early voting ballots sent by mail from inside the United States that are received by 7:00 PM on election day, May 3, 2025, must be counted on election night. If the carrier envelope does not bear a cancellation mark or a receipt mark, the ballot must arrive before the time the polls are required to close on election day. If the early voting clerk cannot determine whether a ballot arrived before that deadline, the ballot is considered to have arrived at the time the place at which the carrier envelopes are deposited was last inspected for removal of returned ballots. The early voting clerk must check the mailbox for early voting mail ballots at least once after the time for regular mail delivery.

An early voting mail ballot that is not received by 7:00 pm on election day may not be counted unless the ballot may be counted late, which applies to late domestic ballots, ballots mailed from outside the United States, and ballots from members of the armed forces and merchant marine of the United States, Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or members of the Reserves, as well as their spouses and dependents.

BALLOT BOARD BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Any jacket envelopes of early voting ballots voted by mail returned after delivery of the ballots to the early voting ballot board may be delivered to the presiding judge of the early voting ballot board between the end of the ninth day before election day and the closing of the polls on election day, or as soon after closing as practicable, at the time or times specified by the presiding judge.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Last day to post notice of governing authority’s meeting to canvass returns of election if canvass is to take place on Tuesday, May 6, 2025 (3rd day after election). This notice must be posted at least 72 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting.

NOTE  FOR  LOCAL  CANVASSING  AUTHORITY: Section  67.003 provides that, except as provided by Section 67.003(c), each local canvassing authority shall convene to conduct the local canvass at the time set by the canvassing authority’s presiding officer not later than the 11th day after election day and not earlier than the later of:
  1. the third day after election day;
  2. the date on which the early voting ballot board has verified and counted all provisional ballots, if a provisional ballot has been cast in the election; or
  3. the date on which all timely received ballots cast from addresses outside of the United States are counted, if a ballot to be voted by mail in the election was provided to a person outside of the United States; or
  4. the date on which all ballots received in defective carriers are timely corrected, if any ballots in defective carriers have been received.
Election Day Application for Emergency Early Voting Ballot Due to Sickness or Physical Disability (PDF)

Preliminary Election Reconciliation (PDF) – Unofficial Totals form (Election Day)(PDF)
Election Reconciliation Form (PDF) – Official Results (Canvass Form)(PDF).

Texas Government Code
Monday, May 5, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS AT 5:00 PMDeadline to receive “late domestic ballots” mailed within the United States from non-military voters and from any military voters who submitted an Application for Ballot by Mail (“ABBM”) (not a Federal Postcard Application – “FPCA”), if the carrier envelope was placed for delivery by mail or common or contract carrier AND bears a cancellation mark of a postal service or a receipt mark of a common or contract carrier or a courier indicating a time not later than 7:00 PM at the location of the election on election day, May 3, 2025.

NOTE FOR MARKED BALLOT VOTED BY MAIL: Section 86.007 provides that a marked ballot voted by mail that a voter received due to submitting an ABBM may arrive at the address on the carrier envelope not later than 5:00 PM on the day after election day, if the carrier envelope was placed for delivery by mail or common or contract carrier from within the United States and bears a cancellation mark of a postal service or a receipt mark of a common or contract carrier or a courier not later than 7:00 PM at the location of the election on election day.

CONTINUED NOTE: This deadline does not apply to ballots sent by non-military voters who are overseas but who applied for a ballot using an ABBM or FPCA; these voters have until the 5th day after election day to return their ballots (or the next business day if the 5th day falls on a weekend or legal state or federal holiday). This deadline also does not apply to ballots mailed (domestically or from overseas) by certain members of the military who applied for a ballot using an FPCA, as well as members of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state, or members of the Reserves, as well as their spouses and dependents; those voters have until the 6th day after election day to return their ballots.
1st business day after election day   §65.052
1 T.A.C. §§ 81.172 –
81.174 & 81.176
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR PARTIAL MANUAL COUNT: Last day to begin the partial manual count for entities using electronic voting systems for the counting of ballots. The count must be completed not later than the 21st day after election day. Results of the manual count must be delivered to Secretary of State not later than the 3rd day after the manual count is completed.

NOTICE FOR LOCAL CANVASS OF RETURNS: The first possible day to conduct official local canvass of returns by governing authority of the political subdivision. However, the canvass may not be conducted until the ballot board has verified and counted all provisional ballots, if a provisional ballot has been cast in the election, AND counted all timely received mailed domestic ballots cast from addresses within the United States, and all timely received mailed ballots cast from addresses outside the United States and defective carrier envelopes that were corrected by voters. Notice of canvass must be posted at least 72 hours continuously before the canvass is conducted.

RUNOFF NOTE: A candidate in a runoff election may not withdraw from the election after 5 p.m. of the third day after the date of the final canvass for the main election.

RUNOFF NOTE: The runoff election can be ordered as soon as the canvass is completed. Therefore, May 6, 2025 is the first date a runoff election can be ordered. Our office recommends that a political subdivision order their runoff election as soon as the election has been canvassed.

Section 1.012 of the Code provides that on the first day after the final canvass of an election is completed, the general custodian of election records shall make images of voted ballots and cast vote records available for public inspection.

NOTE: If a recount petition has been filed and a winning candidate’s race is involved in the recount, the certificate of election cannot be issued for that race until the recount has been completed.

NOTICE FOR NEWLY-ELECTED LOCAL OFFICERS: First day that newly- elected local officers may qualify and assume the duties of their offices. Please note that the canvass must have been completed before an officer can assume office. If a political subdivision was able to cancel its election, this is the first day its elected officials can be issued a certificate of election and take the oath of office.

NOTE: This does not apply to officers of a Type A general law city, who cannot qualify until the 6th day after election day.
3rd day after election day Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2018-30: Revised Procedures for the Partial Manual Count Officers of a Type A General Law City §2.053(e)
§127.201(a), (e), and (g)

Government Code
Chapter 602
Thursday, May 8, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTERS CASTING BALLOTS OUTSIDE OFUNITED STATES: Last day to receive ballots from non-military and any military voters casting ballots from outside of the United States, who submitted an ABBM (not an FPCA) AND who placed their ballots in delivery by 7:00 PM on election day, Saturday, May 3, 2025, as evidenced by a postal service cancellation mark or a receipt mark of a common or contract carrier or a courier.

CONTINUED NOTE: Section 86.007 provides that a marked ballot voted by mail from outside of the United States by a voter who received the ballot due to submitting an ABBM is considered timely if it is received at the address on the carrier envelope not later than the fifth day after the date of the election. Further, the delivery is considered timely if the carrier envelope or, if applicable, the envelope containing the carrier envelope is properly addressed with postage or handling charges prepaid and bears a cancellation mark of a recognized postal service or a receipt mark of a common or contract carrier or a courier indicating a time by 7:00 PM on election day.

NOTICE  OF  DEADLINE  FOR  NON-MILITARY  VOTERS  CASTING BALLOTS OVERSEAS: Last day to receive ballots from non-military voters casting   ballots   from overseas,   who   submitted an FPCA, AND who placed their ballots in delivery by 7:00 PM on election day, Saturday, May 3, 2025.
5th day after election day   §86.007
Friday, May 9, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTERS: Last day a voter may come to the early voting clerk’s office in person to correct certain defects on their carrier envelope.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR ID-RELATED PROVISIONAL VOTERS:Deadline for ID related provisional voter to: (1) present acceptable photo identification to county voter registrar; or (2) if the voter does not possess and cannot reasonably obtain acceptable photo identification, follow the Reasonable Impediment Declaration procedure at the county voter registrar; or (3) execute an affidavit relative to “natural disaster” or “religious objection” in presence of county voter registrar, if applicable; or (4) qualify for the disability exemption, if applicable, with the county voter registrar.

Deadline for voter registrar to complete the review of provisional ballots.

NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR CARRIER ENVELOPES: Last day to receive carrier envelopes mailed domestically (within the United States) OR overseas from voters who submitted a FPCA AND who are members of the armed forces of the United States, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the armed forces, members of the merchant marines of the United States, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the merchant marine, members of the Texas National Guard, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the Texas National Guard, a member of the National Guard of another state, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the National Guard of another state, or members of the Reserves, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the Reserves.

NOTE FOR CARRIER ENVELOPES: Section 101.057 provides that carrier envelopes mailed domestically or overseas from certain military voters who submitted a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) may arrive on or before the 6th day after election day.

FIRST DAY: First day that newly elected officers of Type A general law city may qualify and assume duties of office, but see NOTE, below.

NOTE FOR TYPE-A MUNICIPAL OFFICER-ELECT: If a Type-A municipal officer-elect fails to qualify for office within 30 days after the date of
the officer’s election, the office is considered vacant.Council members may take office anytime following the canvass. Section 22.006 of the Texas Local Government Code states that a newly-elected municipal officer of a Type A city may exercise the duties of office beginning the fifth day after the date of the election, excluding Sundays. However, no newly elected official may qualify for office before the official canvass of the election has been conducted (or would have been conducted, in the event of a cancelled election).
6th day after election day Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2023-13: Corrective Action Process for Defects on Application for a Ballot by Mail and Carrier Envelope §65.054
1 T.A.C. § 81.175(a)(1)

Local Government Code
Monday, May 12, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR CUSTODIAN OF ELECTION RECORDS: Deadline for custodian of election records or presiding judge of the early voting ballot board to retrieve provisional ballots from county voter registrar.

Last day for early voting ballot board to convene to qualify and count:
  1. any late domestic ballots (from non-military and from any military voters who submitted an ABBM)) that bear a cancellation mark or receipt mark indicating they were placed for delivery by mail or common or contract carrier not later than 7:00 PM on election day, May 3, 2025, and were received not later than 5:00 PM on the first business day after election day, Monday, May 5, 2025.
  2. any late ballots that were submitted from outside the United States by voters who applied for the ballot using an ABBM or by non-military voters who applied for the ballot using an FPCA, and which were received by the 5th day after election day, Thursday, May 8, 2025.
  3. any ballots received by the 6th day after election day, Friday, May 9, 2025, from voters who are members of the armed forces of the United States, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the armed forces, members of the merchant marines of the United States, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the merchant marine, members of the Texas National Guard, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the Texas National Guard, a member of the National Guard of another state, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the National Guard of another state, or members of the Reserves, or the spouse or a dependent of a member of the Reserves, and who applied for a ballot using an FPCA.
  4. any provisional ballots that have been reviewed by the voter registrar.
  5. ballots contained in defective carrier envelopes corrected by voters.
9th day after election day   §65.051(a)
Tuesday, May 13, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR PRESIDING JUDGE OF THE EVBB: The presiding judge of the EVBB shall mail a Notice of Rejected Ballot (PDF) to voters whose mail ballots were rejected no later than the 10th day after election day or as soon as practicable, depending on when the EVBB last convenes. 10th day after election day Notice of Rejected Ballot (PDF) §87.0431
Wednesday, May 14, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR OFFICIAL CANVASS OF RETURNS: Last day for official canvass of returns by the governing body of the political subdivision.

NOTE FOR GENERAL CUSTODIAN OF ELECTION RECORDS: Section 1.012 of the Code provides that on the first day after the final canvass of an election is completed, the general custodian of election records shall make images of voted ballots and cast vote records available for public inspection.

If a recount petition has been filed and a winning candidate’s race is involved in the recount, the certificate of election cannot be issued for that race until the recount has been completed.
11th day after election day   §67.003
Friday, May 16, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR PRESIDING JUDGE OF EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD: Last day for the presiding judge of the early voting ballot board to mail Notice of Outcome to Provisional Voter (PDF) to provisional voters if the local canvass was held on Tuesday, May 6, 2025, the first day of the canvass period. Such notices must be delivered to provisional voters by the presiding judge no later than the 10th day after the local canvass. 13th day after election day Notice of Outcome to Provisional Voter (PDF) §65.059;
§81.176(e) 1 T.A.C.
Sunday, May 18, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR ELECTION RECORDS: Election records from the May 3, 2025 election must be available in an electronic format no later than this day, for a fee of not more than $50.00. 15th day after election day   §1.012(e)
Monday, May 26, 2025 Memorial Day      
Tuesday, May 27, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR PRESIDING JUDGE OF THE EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD: Last day for the presiding judge of the early voting ballot board to mail Notice of Outcome to Provisional Voter (PDF) to provisional voters, if the canvass was held on Wednesday, May 14, 2025. Such notices must be delivered to provisional voters by the presiding judge no later than the 10th day after the local canvass. (The deadline falls on Saturday, May 24, 2025, and is extended to Tuesday, May 27, 2025 under Section 1.006.)

Last day to complete the partial manual count, which is the first business day after the 21st day after the election.
24th day after election day; extended from 21st day, Saturday, May 24, 2025 Notice of Outcome to Provisional Voter (PDF) §1.006
§127.201(a) 1 T.A.C.
Monday, June 2, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR TYPE A MUNICIPAL OFFICER-ELECT: If a Type A municipal officer-elect fails to qualify for office within 30 days after the date of the officer’s election, the office is considered vacant. 30th day after election day   Local Government Code
Thursday, June 12, 2025 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR MANDATORY OFFICE HOURS: Last day of the period for mandatory office hours. 40th day after May 3, 2025 election day   §31.122
Thursday, July 3, 2025 NOTE FOR ORIGINAL VOTED BALLOTS: Section 1.012 of the Code provides that on the 61st day after election day, the general custodian of election records shall make the original voted ballots available for public inspection.

FIRST DAY: First day that ballot box(es) from the May 3, 2025 election may be unlocked and its voted ballots may be transferred to another secure container for the remainder of the preservation period.
61st day after May 3, 2025 election day Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2024-05: Public Inspection of Ballot Images and cast Vote Records and Ballot Security

Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2024-20: Emergency Guidance on Voter Privacy

Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2019-23: Electronic Voting System Procedures Advisory
Thursday, January 1, 2026 NOTE REGARDING SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: First day that surveillance video of areas containing voted ballots from the May 3, 2025 election and June 7, 2025 runoff election may be destroyed IF there is no unresolved election contest. 1st day after the end of the calendar year in which the election was held Tex. Sec’y of State Election Advisory No. 2022-10 : Ballot Security Requirements  
Thursday, March 4, 2027 NOTE REGARDING BALLOT BOXES: Contents of ballot box(es) may be destroyed IF no contest or criminal investigation has arisen and IF no open records request has been filed. Day after 22 months after May 3, 2025 election day Tex. Attorney Gen. ORD-505 (1988) §1.013