Secretary Hughs Issues Statement Following Approval Of Border Transportation Master Plan By Texas Transportation Commission
AUSTIN - Texas Secretary of State Ruth R. Hughs today issued the following statement after TxDOT's Transportation Commission voted to approve the Border Transportation Master Plan (BTMP). The BTMP is the result of a partnership between TxDOT and the Border Trade Advisory Committee (BTAC), which Secretary Hughs chairs in her capacity as Texas' Border Commerce Coordinator:
"Today's approval of the BTMP by the Commission is the culmination of years of hard work and the collaborative efforts of countless stakeholders," said Secretary Hughs. "I thank TxDOT, BTAC members, our Mexican state and federal counterparts as well as industry members for their role in helping to make today's approval a reality. I look forward to our continued work together on the implementation of the master plan to raise awareness of its importance, improve quality of life for residents of the border region, and secure economic prosperity for all on both sides of the border."
The master plan is the result of years of research and analysis of current and future transportation needs and growth within the border region as well as input from BTAC members and stakeholders throughout the Texas-Mexico border region. These collaborative efforts resulted in the recommendation of strategies that will continue to support local, state, and U.S.-Mexican federal officials in coordinating and improving operational efficiency and facilitating the movement of freight, goods, and people across Texas' 28 border crossings.