Secretary Pablos Convenes First Border Trade Advisory Committee Meeting of 2018
"Engaging leaders from throughout the border region with officials at the state level is critical to Texas' continued economic success"
AUSTIN, TX – Texas Secretary of State Rolando Pablos today convened the first Border Trade Advisory Committee (BTAC) meeting of 2018, his fourth since taking office, at the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) state headquarters. Secretary Pablos began the meeting by discussing the importance of gathering critical input from border community stakeholders, including public and private sector leaders from Mexico, before adopting minutes from BTAC's December 6, 2017 meeting in Corpus Christi. The Committee then heard recommendations from Subcommittee chairs regarding the Texas-Mexico Border Strategic Transportation Blueprint, a framework for addressing issues on the Texas-Mexico border and serving trade corridor needs.
Next, the Committee discussed updates to TxDOT's Texas-Mexico Border Transportation Master Plan, a binational comprehensive approach to coordinating planning, programming, and implementation of projects at border crossings, support facilities serving border crossings, and transportation systems. Secretary Pablos recognized and commended Claudia Lagos, Deputy Secretary for Competitiveness and Foreign Trade for the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, for her engagement with Texas stakeholders and for helping foster a strong economic relationship with the State of Texas.
Secretary Pablos then led a discussion with Gerry Schwebel, Executive Vice President of the International Bank of Commerce, and Jim Mullen, General Counsel for the Border Trade Alliance, regarding the current status of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations and its impact on the State of Texas, with particular focus on cross-border trade with Mexico.
Secretary Pablos concluded by outlining potential topics for future BTAC meetings and thanked the Committee members for their collective commitment to facilitating robust cross-border trade before adjourning the meeting.
"Engaging leaders from throughout the border region with officials at the state level is critical to Texas' continued economic success," Secretary Pablos said. "I am extremely grateful for the work of all BTAC members in ensuring the Texas-Mexico trade relationship not only stays strong, but grows even stronger in the coming years. I would also like to thank Governor Abbott for his leadership in articulating Texas' position on the NAFTA renegotiations as the Committee advances strategies for facilitating increased cross-border commerce with our largest trade partner, Mexico."
"BTAC plays an important role by assisting the state in identifying trade transportation needs and investment strategies that will help facilitate efficient and safe movement of Texas-Mexico cross-border trade and support Texas' continued economic competitiveness," Caroline Mays, Director of TxDOT's Freight and International Trade Section, said.
Learn more about the Border Trade Advisory Committee.