Secretary Cascos Reminds Texans of Vote by Mail Application Deadline
Contact: Alicia Pierce or Mari Bergman
AUSTIN, TX – Texas Secretary of State Carlos H. Cascos reminds voters that Friday, Oct. 28 is the deadline to for ballot by mail applications to be received by county early voting clerks.
“The deadline to apply to vote by mail is fast approaching and we need to ensure that all Texas residents who qualify have the necessary information to receive their ballot.” Secretary Cascos said.
To vote early by mail, Texans must fit one of four categories. They must be 65 years of age or older, away from their county of registration on Election Day and during the period for early voting, be disabled, or be confined to jail but otherwise eligible to vote.
“Early voting in person started this week and will last through Friday, Nov. 4,” Cascos said. “If you are eligible to vote, now is the time to do so.”
Formal applications for a ballot by mail can be downloaded (PDF) and sent to county early voting clerks by fax or email. All applications must be received (not postmarked) by Oct. 28.
Voters who have applied but have not received their ballot should call their county election’s office and speak to the early voting clerk to check the status.
Voters with questions about the registration process and how to cast a ballot can visit or call 1-800-252-VOTE. Texans can join the #VoteTexas conversation this election by following Vote Texas’ Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social platforms.