Secretary of State Hope Andrade Alerts Voters to Bogus Email Regarding May 12 Local Elections
Local Elections Only, No Statewide Proposition on May 12 Ballots
Contact: Rich Parsons
512/ 463-5770
AUSTIN, TX – Texas Secretary of State Hope Andrade today is reminding voters the May 12 Uniform Election is for local elections only, there is no statewide proposition on the ballot. Recently, questions about a statewide constitutional amendment election involving the homestead property tax exemption have arisen as the result of a bogus email in circulation highlighting the false information.
“Texans need the facts when they go to the polls, and the fact is there is no constitutional amendment on the May 12 ballot,” said Secretary Andrade. “If you receive an email claiming such a proposition is on the ballot, please disregard it and do not forward it to help stop the spread of this false information.”
The source of the email is not known, nor is the motive for circulating it to voters around the state. For accurate information regarding May 12 election, voters should contact their local election officials with ballot questions or other issues related to the Uniform Election.
Voters can also find answers to their election questions at, as well as contact information for all local election officials statewide.