Texas Department of Rural Affairs
Rule Transfer

Title 10, Part 6

Senate Bill 1, 82nd First Called Special Legislative Session, 2011, effective September 1, 2011, abolishes the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) and transfers its respective powers, duties, functions, programs and activities to the Texas Department of Agriculture (the Department). Under the bill, rules of the TDRA continue in effect as the rules of the Department until superseded by an act of the Department.

TDRA's rules currently found in Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 10, Part 6, Chapters 255 and Chapter 257 will be transferred and reorganized under TAC, Title 4, Part 1, Chapter 30. This transfer does not contain any substantive changes, such as program or policy amendments.

10 TAC Chapter 256, concerning Administration, will not be transferred and will be repealed by the Department at a later date.

The transfer took effect on October 1, 2011.

Please refer to Figure: 10 TAC Part 6 to see the complete conversion chart.
