Part I. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

(Editor's Note: Senate Bill 2, First Called Session, 72nd Legislature, created the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) as the successor to the Texas Water Commission (TWC) and Texas Air Control Board (TACB) with the responsibility of carrying out the respective duties, responsibilities and functions of those agencies. The rights, powers, and duties delegated by law to the TWC and TACB were expressly assigned to the TNRCC. Senate Bill 2 also transferred all personnel, equipment, data, documents, facilities, and other items of the TWC and TACB to the TNRCC.

A member of the Texas Water Commission is a member of the TNRCC. Any reference in any law or rule to the TACB or to the TWC mean TNRCC. The change in the name of the TWC or the abolition of the TACB does not affect or impair any act done or obligation, right, license, permit, rule, criteria, standard, or requirement, or penalty accrued or existing under former law, and that law remains in effect for any action concerning such an obligation, right, license, permit, rule, criterion, standard, requirement, or penalty.

An action brought or proceeding commenced before September 1, 1993, including a contested case or a remand of an action or proceeding by a reviewing court, is governed by the law and rules applicable to the action or proceeding before September 1, 1993. Administrative hearings on applications for permits and prehearing proceedings which had commenced prior to September 1, 1993, shall not be delayed or continued as a result of Senate Bill 2 or any resulting organizational changes. Refer to Senate Bill 2, First Called Session, 72nd Legislature for the exact language in this article.

To comply with the requirements of Senate Bill 2, the Texas Register is creating a new title in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 30. Environmental Quality and is administratively transferring all rules from TWC and TACB to Title 30, Part I. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission laterally, effective September 1, 1993.