Office of the Attorney General

Rule Transfer

Through the enactment of Senate Bill 452 and Senate Bill 727, 79th Legislature, 2005, the Governor and the Legislature have transferred the duties of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission (commission) under the public information law to the Office of the Attorney General. The statutory mandates and activities, as well as administrative rulemaking authority relating to the powers and duties of the commission under the public information law, Chapter 552, Texas Government Code, is transferred to the Office of the Attorney General.

The commission's rules regulating charges for copies of public information are currently located under Title 1, Part 5, Chapter 111, Subchapter C, of the Texas Administrative Code. These rules are transferred and reorganized under Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70, of the Texas Administrative Code.

This transfer is effective September 1, 2005.

Please refer to the conversion chart that outlines the rule transfer from the Texas Building and Procurement Commission to the Office of the Attorney General.

Figure: 1 TAC Part 3, Chapter 70

For information regarding this publication, contact Lauri Saathoff, Agency Liaison, at (512) 463-2096.
