Figure: 19 TAC Chapter 21, Subchapter NN
Current rules from:
Title 19, Part 1
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Chapter 21. Student Services
Subchapter NN. Exemption Program for
Veterans and their Dependents (The
Hazlewood Act)
Transferred to:
Title 40, Part 15
Texas Veterans Commission
Chapter 461. Veterans Education
Subchapter A. Exemption Program for
Veterans and their Dependents (The
Hazlewood Act)
Section Heading Section Heading
§21.2099 Authority and Purpose §461.10 Authority and Purpose
§21.2100 Definitions §461.20 Definitions
§21.2101 Hazlewood Act Exemption §461.30 Hazlewood Act Exemption
§21.2102 Eligible Veterans §461.40 Eligible Veterans
§21.2103 Eligible Spouses §461.50 Eligible Spouses
§21.2104 Eligible Children §461.60 Eligible Children
§21.2105 The Application §461.70 The Application
§21.2106 Supporting Documentation for the
Initial Hazlewood Act Exemption
§461.80 Supporting Documentation for the
Initial Hazlewood Act Exemption
§21.2107 Subsequent Hazlewood Exemption
§461.90 Subsequent Hazlewood Exemption
§21.2108 Assigning Unused Hours to a Child
(Hazlewood Legacy Act)
§461.100 Assigning Unused Hours to a Child
(Hazlewood Legacy Act)
§21.2109 Release of Data to the Board and
§461.110 Release of Data to the Board and
§21.2110 Reporting §461.120 Reporting