Figure: 1 TAC Chapter 378

Current Rules from
Title 1, Part 15
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 378. Special Nutrition Programs
Transferred to
Title 4, Part 1
Texas Department of Agriculture
Chapter 25. Special Nutrition Programs
and Division
Section Heading Subchapter
and Division
Section Heading
A     Child and Adult Care
Food Program
A     Child and Adult Care
Food Program
  12   Advance Payments   12   Advance Payments
    §378.281 Does DHS issue and
monitor advance
payments to contractors
according to a specific
    §25.281 Does DHS issue and
monitor advance
payments to contractors
according to a specific
    §378.282 How must a contractor
account for advance
    §25.282 How must a contractor
account for advance
    §378.283 How does DHS issue
advance payments to a
contractor that has a
claim history?
    §25.283 How does DHS issue
advance payments to a
contractor that has a
claim history?
    §378.284 How does DHS issue
advance payments to a
contractor that does not
have a claim history?
    §25.284 How does DHS issue
advance payments to a
contractor that does not
have a claim history?
    §378.285 How does DHS estimate
advance payment
    §25.285 How does DHS estimate
advance payment
    §378.286 Does DHS issue
retroactive advances?
    §25.286 Does DHS issue
retroactive advances?
    §378.287 What happens if USDA
does not provide
sufficient funds for DHS
to pay both advance
payments and claims for
reimbursement in full?
    §25.287 What happens if USDA
does not provide
sufficient funds for DHS
to pay both advance
payments and claims for
reimbursement in full?
    §378.288 How does DHS recoup
advance payments?
    §25.288 How does DHS recoup
advance payments?
    §378.289 What happens if the
advance payment
exceeds the
reimbursement earned
in the month for which
the advance is issued?
    §25.289 What happens if the
advance payment
exceeds the
reimbursement earned
in the month for which
the advance is issued?
    §378.290 What happens if a
contractor who sponsors
day care homes does
not comply with program
    §25.290 What happens if a
contractor who sponsors
day care homes does
not comply with program
  15   Overpayments   15   Overpayments
    §378.381 How does DHS manage
overpayment of claims
for reimbursement,
advance payments,
start-up, and expansion
fund payments?
    §25.381 How does DHS manage
overpayment of claims
for reimbursement,
advance payments,
start-up, and expansion
fund payments?
  18   Sanctions, Penalties,
and Fiscal Action
  18   Sanctions, Penalties,
and Fiscal Action
    §378.447 What happens if DHS
determines during the
follow-up review that the
day care home sponsor
has not corrected all
identified in the initial
    §25.447 What happens if DHS
determines during the
follow-up review that the
day care home sponsor
has not corrected all
identified in the initial
    §378.451 What happens if DHS
determines during the
follow-up review
that 10% or more of the
meals sampled and
claimed for
reimbursement for the
test month fail to meet
program requirements?
    §25.451 What happens if DHS
determines during the
follow-up review that
10% or more of the
meals sampled and
claimed for
reimbursement for the
test month fail to meet
program requirements?
    §378.455 What happens if DHS
determines during the
follow-up review that the
day care home sponsor
has not corrected all
instances of program
noncompliance identified
in the initial review?
    §25.455 What happens if DHS
determines during the
follow-up review that the
day care home sponsor
has not corrected all
instances of program
noncompliance identified
in the initial review?